Posts tagged Accenture
Profits and Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid

In advance of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development 'known as Rio+20' the Business Call to Action, Business Action for Africa, International Business Leaders Forum, International Chamber of Commerce, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, UN Development Programme, and UN Global Compact will host a half-day event entitled 'Profits and Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP)'. The event will take place as part of the Corporate Sustainability Forum (, and gather innovators and market leaders who are driving inclusive business approaches inside their companies as part of a long-term growth and investment strategy.

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Overcoming Barriers to Growing Pro-Poor Inclusive Business Ideas & Models

The Business Call to Action and Accenture Development Partnerships are hosting a breakfast event in South Africa on inclusive business. Leading South African corporates and development sector organizations will be present, providing an opportunity to learn from and engage with others interested in seeing more business innovations that improve lives. We will be focusing more on the 'how than the why' of inclusive business or pro-poor business implementation.

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Studio EliasAccenture