In order to maintain the integrity of the Business Call to Action Platform, we have established a trusted and structured procedure to receive and address inquiries and complaints regarding inclusive business commitments made to BCtA. BCtA will address credible claims regarding potential misconduct or misrepresentation of the inclusive business commitments made by companies to BCtA.

Complaints Procedure

To submit a complaint, please send an email to outlining the following:

  • The details of the company or individual who is the subject of the complaint

  • The nature of the complaint – including issue, date and location of issue, and resulting negative impact

  • Any evidence or documentation to support the claim

The BCtA Secretariat will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 3 days. BCtA will proceed with a review of the information provided, and follow up if there are any clarification questions. A preliminary review will determine if the claim is within scope of BCtA’s complaints process, and inform you of the results of such preliminary review.

If the claim is within scope, BCtA will conduct an investigation. The BCtA Secretariat will present the findings of the investigation and recommended course of action in regards to membership of the company to the BCtA Donor Steering Committee, the alliance’s independent governing body. The final decision will be communicated to both the complainant and investigated company.

Resolution of Complaints:

Complaints are resolved on one of the following ways:

  • Membership is revoked

  • Membership is maintained with specific remedies required to retain membership

  • Membership is upheld

Business Call to Action Eligibility Criteria

There are a clear set of criteria that all companies must meet before being accepted as BCtA members. This criteria can be found here.