1. Introduction

This Members Code of Conduct (CoC) outlines the minimum standards that Business Call to Action expects its member companies to comply with (in their overall operations, and particularly in their inclusive business initiatives), when joining the BCtA platform in addition to observing all laws and regulations governing their activities.


By joining Business Call to Action, companies agree to provide an annual update on the progress of the commercial and SDG indicators they selected in their membership application for the duration of their inclusive business commitment. Should the business model or target indicators change during the course of membership, companies will work with the BCtA team to update their indicators. Companies who fail to provide an annual progress update will be considered inactive and will not have access to BCtA member opportunities until they complete their progress update.

3. Management Systems

Member companies shall have appropriate management systems in place to enable adherence to this CoC or its own equivalent code of conduct, whichever is stricter, as well as all other relevant and applicable laws and regulations. The functioning and quality of the management system shall be in proportion to the size, complexity and risk environment of the company’s business. Companies shall have in place a systematic approach to the assessment, mitigation and management of risks related to human and labour rights, occupational health and safety, social, environmental and governance issues (hereafter referred to as ESG issues) across its operations and supply chain.

4. Human and labour rights

Member companies shall:

  • Respect human rights and not be complicit in human rights violations within their sphere of influence.

  • Have in place adequate remedial mechanisms in case of any human rights violations.

  • Not employ any workers below 15 years or the minimum age according to national legislation, whichever is higher (in line with the ILO Convention 138 on child labour)

  • Ensure that employing young people above minimum age but under 18 years does not jeopardize their education, health, safety or morals

  • Fully recognize employees’ right to organize, belong to a union and bargain collectively

  • Not use any forms of involuntary labour

  • Not discriminate against any worker

  • Treat all employees fairly and respectfully

  • Pay employees at least the minimum wage and applicable overtime wages defined by national laws or any applicable collective agreements

  • Apply normal working hours that comply with applicable law and collective agreements

  • Provide all employees with at least one rest day in seven consecutive working days unless regulated otherwise by applicable laws

  • Fulfil all applicable legal occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements

5. Environmental impact

Member companies shall:

  • Respect and protect the environment

  • Fulfil all environmental requirements defined in relevant laws, regulations and environmental permits

  • Have in place mitigation and management systems to address environmental issues within the company, identifying and adopting suitable preventive and corrective measures to protect the environment

6. Governance

Member companies shall:

  • Conduct business in full compliance with all applicable antitrust and fair competition laws

  • Act in compliance with all applicable anti-corruption laws, by, among other things, refusing to receive or offer bribes, facilitation payments or anything of value for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business or any improper benefit or advantage

  • Act in compliance with all rules and regulations related to the safety and quality requirements of products and services

  • Transparently and accurately record and disclose details of its business activities, corporate structure, financial situation and performance in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

7. Enforcement

If BCtA finds that member companies do not meet the requirements and expectations set out in this CoC, BCtA will offer guidance specifying which issues need to be corrected or improved, or terminate the company’s membership in BCtA.