El Manual de Contratación Pública Inclusiva busca definir los estándares, procedimientos, estrategias y mejores prácticas para mejorar la incorporación de las PYME y los negocios inclusivos en los procesos de compras públicas.
Esta hoja de ruta busca fortalecer la prestación de servicios de salud en Colombia a través de la replicación y adaptación de modelos de negocios inclusivos en el sector salud del país.
Este documento realiza un diagnóstico de la telemedicina en Colombia, el cual será la base para construir una hoja de ruta que permita replicar y adaptar modelos de negocios inclusivos en el sector salud del país.
The Inclusive Public Procurement Playbook seeks to define the standards, procedures, strategies, and best practices to enhance SME and inclusive business uptake in public procurement processes.
A Guidance Note sharing the opportunities and best practices for private sector actors to adopt the Kampala Principles in business practices and multi-stakeholder development co-operation partnerships.
Dans l’optique de chercher à caractériser l’état des lieux de l’écosystème des entreprises inclusive en Tunisie, Ce présent rapport a pour objectif d’identifier les opportunités de développement des entreprises inclusives en Tunisie afin de permettre au secteur privé de contribuer à la réalisation des priorités nationales de développement durable et des ODD.
This report explores how improving collaboration between inclusive businesses and governments can support the improved provision of health services amid the pandemic. It examines the key challenges that stand in the way of successful collaboration, based on inputs received from inclusive businesses in the health sector.
Inclusive business in sub-Saharan Africa holds great potential to tackle pervasive poverty, improve livelihoods, and improve access to health and education across the continent.
As we welcome in a decade that is to define the extent of humanity’s progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), now is an appropriate time...
As we march toward 2030, now is a good time to reflect on our work and ensure that BCtA’s strategies aim for exponential impact, because traditional models...
We partnered with GlobeScan to launch the 2018 State of Inclusive Business Survey. These findings provide practical insights for companies on inclusive...