Upcoming Live Chat: Can business and government work together for development?

The Business Call to Action and Guardian Sustainable Business Network are hosting a live chat discussion. Join experts on Wednesday 25 May, 2-3pm BST | 9-10am EDT to explore how businesses can work with government to ensure on the ground work leads to genuine change.

An increasing number of companies are setting up on the ground projects designed to improve conditions for workers in their supply chains and alleviate poverty a trend reinforced by the UN sustainable development goals. But without the support of government, it's hard for businesses to make significant breakthroughs and long term change.

While some argue that governments shouldn't work with companies, others recognize the ability of partnerships to advance development in their countries.

Join the discussion

Join a panel of experts in the comments section of this page on Wednesday 25 May, 2-3pm BST | 9-10am EDT. Points for discussion will include:

  • How can business work best with governments?

  • What are some examples of successful business and government collaborations?

  • What are the main challenges and sticking points, for example in deciding who to work with, and overcoming anti-private sector attitudes?


For more information and to join: gu.com/p/4jbgc/stw

Studio Elias