Providing skills training helps Central and Eastern Europe's unemployed youth

New York, 29 June 2016 - EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM), a leading global provider of product development and software engineering, has joined the Business Call to Action (BCtA) with a commitment to prepare 5,000 students in need in Central Europe to enter the IT sector by 2020. The company also pledged to replicate its training program in three new countries, including the United States, China and India.


EPAM plans to meet these goals through its University Program. Launched in 2004 to meet increased industry demand, the program provides specialized IT training for university students in Central and Eastern Europe.

The BCtA is a global initiative that aims to support private sector efforts to fight poverty through its core business. It is supported by several international organizations and hosted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Countries in Central and Eastern Europe have a strong tradition of science and technology education. When provided with the right training and opportunities, young people in this region show remarkable potential in software engineering and information technology. For example, in Belarus a country of nine million people– roughly 16,000 young men and women graduate each year with IT and related technical skills. The country's reputation for scientific and IT excellence, together with a competitive labour market, has drawn numerous IT companies to the country. However, since higher education is publicly funded, most state universities do not offer the level of training students need to enter the workforce and compete in the global IT sector, where innovation and progress move quickly.


To close the IT knowledge gap, EPAM launched its University Program in Belarus twelve years ago and has since expanded to five countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Since its founding, the education program has seen significant growth from 30 students to a total of 9,500 in 2015; of these graduates, EPAM has provided direct employment to 4,900 young people. As a leading global provider of digital platform engineering services, the company is able to offer cutting-edge, industry-relevant training to equip students with the competitive skills they need to succeed not just in the local market, but internationally.

There isn't any part of our lives that isn't touched by technology in some way. The future of the Information Technology industry is in the hands of the next generation and our University program was designed to help effectively prepare students for what's next, said Arkadiy Dobkin, EPAM, President & CEO, EPAM. Last year, 2,200 students received training from EPAM and 1,100 of those students are now full-time employees. We are proud to share EPAM's success with the community and be recognized by the Business Call to Action in this important global initiative.


EPAM began operating in Central and Eastern Europe in 1993, and has quickly become the region's top employment provider in the IT sector. With a global workforce of more than 16,000 people, 5,000 EPAM employees are located in Belarus alone, with 9,000 individuals throughout the region. Given that the average monthly income in Belarus is US$450 and in many countries throughout the region, the average monthly income is even less, the employment opportunities provided through EPAM's University Program have not only contributed to the economic security of its employees, but to the region's entire IT industry.

EPAM's University Program means better business for the company, the entire IT industry and for the people of Central and Eastern Europe said Paula Pelaez, Programme Manager of the BCtA. In this quickly-evolving industry, providing the latest skills translates into a stronger workforce and more vibrant economy throughout the region. We look forward to our future collaboration with this groundbreaking company.

The program currently provides specialized training in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Hungary. Based on its success in Eastern and Central Europe, EPAM plans to expand the program to three new countries including the United States, China and India. By 2020, it pledges to empower an additional 5,000 students with high tech skills and global opportunities.

For more information:

Business Call to Action Tatiana Bessarabova at

EPAM Danielle Ruess-Saltz at

Membership in the Business Call to Action does not constitute a partnership with its funding and programme partners, UNDP or any UN agency.

About the Business Call to Action (BCtA): Launched at the United Nations in 2008, the Business Call to Action (BCtA) aims to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by challenging companies to develop inclusive business models that offer the potential for both commercial success and development impact. BCtA is a unique multilateral alliance between key donor governments including the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), UK Department for International Development, US Agency for International Development, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Finland, and the United Nations Development Programme, which hosts the secretariat. For more information, please visit or on Twitter at @BCtAInitiative.

About EPAM: EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM), a leading global product development and platform engineering services company, is focused on delivering results through best-in-class software engineering, combined with innovative strategy, consulting and design capabilities. With 23 years of experience in the information technology industry, EPAM's 18,000 people serve our customers in over 25 countries across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. EPAM was ranked #8 in FORBES 25 Fastest Growing Public Tech Companies and was ranked as a top information technology services company on FORTUNE'’S 100 Fastest Growing Technology Companies. For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter at @EPAMSYSTEMS and LinkedIn?.

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