Launch of Search Inclusive Business: the First Searchable Inclusive Business Publications Database

The Business Call to Action is delighted to join forces with The Practitioner Hub and the Inclusive Business Action Network as an Associate Partner in the launch of Search Inclusive Business, a first of its kind searchable online database of inclusive business publications. The database, at, brings together over 1,300 reports, case studies, tools and fact sheets relevant to inclusive business from a wide range of authors and organisations.


There is a considerable and increasing number of publications that share useful insights and lessons relevant to inclusive business. Yet with practitioners, authors, projects and organisations scattered across the globe, it can be difficult for interested people to know what exists, where to start, and how to keep up-to-date on the latest developments and resources available. Search Inclusive Business aims to change that by providing a comprehensive, easy to use, online solution allowing users to find the publication they are looking for within a few clicks.

The database is the culmination of six months work by the Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business and the Inclusive Business Action Network in collaboration with Ashoka Mexico and Central America, consulting with key stakeholders and scouring the internet to pull together the most significant English-language publications on inclusive business in recent years, and a good start to a Spanish collection.

Christian Jahn, Executive Director of the Inclusive Business Action Network, said, Knowledge and information are key to development and success. This is why the Inclusive Business Action Network and the Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business developed a comprehensive and user-friendly database for resources on inclusive business. Explore our new database of resources and find the type of information you need.

The database is searchable by region, sector type and year of publication and topic. Topics cover a wide range of issues relevant to inclusive business such as serving Base of the pyramid (BoP) clients, sourcing from the BoP, finance for inclusive business, women's empowerment and results measurement and impact.

Marcos Athias Neto, Director of the Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development, a United Nations Development Programme, told us: One of the obstacles for the growth of inclusive business is the lack of information for both companies and policy makers, this database provides a contribution to address this challenge.

Search for a particular sector or region or simply browse the featured listings, and explore the largest array of inclusive business publications on the internet today at


About the Database: The database includes more than 1,300 inclusive business reports, case studies, interviews, videos, guidance material and tools in English and Spanish and is searchable by topic, sector, geographical focus, resource type and key words. Topics cover a wide range of issues relevant to IB such as serving BoP clients, sourcing from the BoP, finance for inclusive business, women empowerment and results measurement and impact. The publications go far beyond those produced by the Practitioner Hub team, aiming to cover the most significant English-language publications on IB in recent years, and a good start to a Spanish collection.

The database does not cover publications that are about the private sector without reference to inclusive business, nor does it cover more general reports on the sectors (agriculture, health etc) at the BoP, which have no reference to inclusive business, unless they are deemed critical market intelligence for businesses. If you are interested to find out more about other related topics to IB such as impact investing, microfinance and market systems approaches, have a look at our listing of other useful links.

The Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business is an online platform that provides practical information and resources to the practitioners and facilitators of inclusive business. It acts as a gateway to inclusive business knowledge, including listings of over 1,000 inclusive business initiatives, a database of support and technical assistance and the recently launched publications database, listing over 1,300 inclusive business publications, searchable by region, topic and sector.

Providing a pivotal point for the global inclusive business community, the Inclusive Business Action Network (IBAN) aims to connect the vast number of businesses, existing initiatives, networks and other IB-stakeholders around the world. IBAN is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and guided by its Advisory Group including ADB, IDB, IFC, UNDP and WBCSD.

Ashoka Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean is the regional office of Ashoka. Ashoka is a global organization that aims to support social entrepreneurs who are leading and collaborating with changemakers, in a team of teams model that addresses the fluidity of a rapidly evolving society. Ashoka believes that anyone can learn and apply the critical skills of empathy, teamwork, leadership and changemaking to be successful in the modern world.

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