Featured Event: BASE III Forum in Mexico City, June 29-July 1


The Inter-American Development Bank is holding the BASE III Forum in Mexico City on June 29-July 1. The BASE Forum is the IDB's regional platform to discuss how to advance market-based solutions for the people living at the base of the pyramid in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Forum convenes companies, financial institutions, impact investors, opinion leaders, media, academics and others who believe in the potential of serving low-income markets.

In 2013, the IDB convened more than 1,700 participants from 16 countries and 96 international panelists. Over the course of two-days, senior government officials, private sector leaders, expert practitioners and the media took part in conversations, seminars and workshops, with the goal of advancing market-based solutions for base of the pyramid markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. There was widespread media coverage of the event thanks in part to the participation of notable leaders such as Stuart L. Hart, Iqbal Quadir, and IDB's President Moreno himself.

The IDB has prepared a rich agenda that promises to stimulate debate and, above all, provide attendees with the opportunity to learn more about the field and discover how other practitioners have achieved success in targeting low-income markets. Additionally, during the Forum the IDB will be presenting its flagship report on how the BOP market and population's profile has evolved in the last decade.

If you would like to take your participation further, the IDB has set up the BASE Expo, an exclusive space for organizations, enterprises, companies, among others, who wish to showcase their work with the base of the pyramid. For details about the Expo please contact Natalia Rodríguez en nataliarod@iadb.org.

Studio Elias