Business Call to Action

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Ethos Conference, São Paulo, Brazil

The Business Call to Action is pleased to partner with Brazil's leading sustainable business conference, organized annually by the Ethos Institute. This year's theme of the conference is "Sustainable and Responsible Business: Opportunities for Businesses and for Brazil."

In addition to offering the traditional debates, lectures and conceptual discussions, the conference will have a pragmatic perspective to address the issues of sustainability and apply them immediately in modeling sustainable business.

Theory and practice are finally leading to the transformation of how we do business. Hence, "Case Analysis of Sustainable Business" and "Analysis of Sustainable Business Models" are the two modules uniquely structured to meet this goal. BCtA's Gustavo Pimentel will partake in the evaluation of the cases presented to the panel of experts. Learn more about the Case Module here.

During its core module, the conference will focus on "Sustainable Business" in its many facets, while the remaining modules offer additional activities on topics, such as "Talk Leaders", "Education and Technology", "Business and Technology", "Human Rights" and "Brazilian Business: Transnational Connections."

The Role of Business for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals", profiling BCtA member companies role in advancing the MDGs and the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

Other themes to be addressed at the conference:

  • Carbon credit is a future market?

  • Encouraging carbon reduction for sustainable products in Brazil;

  • Start up Brazil: the style and competitiveness of Brazilian start-ups

  • Fair competition and confidence in the business environment

  • Sustainability in minefield: can any company have a sustainable business?

  • Spheres of social and environmental progress: companies, cities and countries

  • Risk and Infrastructure: sustainability vs productivity

  • Networks of Brazilian women leaders in sustainability

  • Increased power consumption and reliability: implications for the future of sustainable brands

  • Open innovation: when entrepreneurship happens

  • Costs and opportunity losses resulting from the non-integration of social, environmental and business ethics

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