Business Action for Africa Launches New Report on Partnerships

Business Action for Africa launches new report: Business Partnerships for Development in Africa: Redrawing the boundaries of possibility. Produced in collaboration with the CSR Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School, this new report examines how business- driven partnerships are addressing Africa's development challenges in new and innovative ways, redrawing the boundaries of what is possible, and creating new frontiers for sustainable development and growth on the continent.

Drawing on detailed case studies from BAA member companies and the Harnessing the Power of Business for Development Impact event series, supported by Business Action for Africa, UK's Department for International Development (DFID) and the CSR Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School, the report addresses four challenge areas 'enterprise development, regional integration and trade, human development, and environmental sustainability' and examines the role of business and what can be achieved in collaboration with others. It lays out ways companies can contribute through core business activity, social investment, and public policy dialogue. And it finds that partnership can help achieve greater scale and impact by:

Enabling and deepening the development impact of core business activity
Making social investment more sustainable and systemic
Strengthening and enhancing the credibility of public policy inputs.

Download the Report.

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