Asia Forum 2018 - Saving Lives Sustainably

UNDP, with the support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Health Care Without Harm, the Asian Development Bank and SPHS (Sustainable Manufacturing in the Health Sector) Member Agencies, is organizing the 1st "Saving Lives Sustainably - Sustainable Procurement in the health Sector: Asia Forum 2018", from 13th to 15th of June 2018 in Manila, Philippines.

The Forum aims to facilitate a dialogue between the key stakeholders from the global health sector, and showcase front-running public and private sustainable innovations on the sustainable manufacturing of health commodities. Leveraging on the SPHS global technical network, UNDP aims to bring together top technical experts on environmental and social issues related to the global health supply chains, and UN suppliers and manufacturers.

Within a framework of SDG 12, technical experts and suppliers and manufacturers can jointly foster the sustainable health manufacturing agenda with the exchange of knowledge and practice on sustainable manufacturing techniques and methodologies.

More information on the event and the SPHS: here.
Free registration by 30 April: here.

Studio Elias