4th Global Forum on Business for Gender Equality: The Future of Work and the 2030 Agenda

Crowne Plaza Hotel Santiago de Chile 27-28 February 2018

Crowne Plaza Hotel
Santiago de Chile
27-28 February 2018

This forum brings together more than 400 business leaders, governments, academia, trade unions and civil society, from 25 countries, to share best practices for reducing gender gaps in the workplace and to highlight the role of the business sector as a key player in advancing gender equality and building inclusive work environments for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. The key objectives of this event are:

  • Leverage the collective wisdom for driving change and innovation towards gender equality, inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

  • Start new conversations around gender-related key issues such as the future of work, behavioral economics and cultural change, new masculinities, diversity management, big data and people analytics, and many others.

  • Build new partnerships and open new channels for dialogue among public, private, academia, civil society and trade unions to advance gender equality at work.

Register and find out more forum’s webpage: www.businessforgenderequality.org

Studio Elias