2011 African Economic Forum
The theme of the 8th African Economic Forum at Columbia University is Roaring Giant: Africa's Economic Ascent. In light of the strong GDP growth experienced by many African countries during the current global recession, the conference will focus on some of the challenges and opportunities arising from this growth. The conference will feature Business Call to Action member companies PepsiCo and Pfizer.
Initiated in 2004, the African Economic Forum has grown to be the largest Africa-focused event at Columbia University with over 400 students, alumni and professionals participating. The conference seeks to highlight opportunities and challenges through stimulating discussion, insights and strategies for a prosperous Africa. It is organized by three of Columbia University's premiere graduate programs: Columbia Graduate School of Business, Columbia Law School, and Columbia School of International and Public Affairs.
Venue: Columbia University
435 West 116th Street
New York, NY 10027