Sprihaat Retail Network
Sprihaat Retail Network
Empowering stressed dairy farmers and small-holder tribal farmers while streamlining the dairy supply-chain in India.
Agriculture, Food & Beverage, Consumer Goods
Asia & Pacific
The Impact Goal
Sprihaat joined Business Call to Action in December 2020 and made a commitment to reach 50 stressed farms and produce 8000 tons of silage working in 1000 acre of land and impacting 1000+ farmers by 2023.
The Market Gap
Dairy farms can be considered sources of best quality milk. However, dairy farms in India are currently in distress. Entrepreneurs setting up dairy farms with 50 to 500 animals are passionate about animal husbandry; however, they are plagued by a range of issues including:
High feed and fodder cost
Lack of professional manpower to manage various aspects of farm operations
Lack of selling expertise resulting in problems in recovering dues from customers
Lack of marketing knowledge to reach to the right set of customers and charge the right price
The Business Solution
To address the most crucial of these issues, Sprihaat partners with the dairy and low-income subsistence farmers and provides:
Marketing and selling services: Sprihaat creates market infrastructure to ensure milk and milk products produced by its associated dairy farms are sold in an efficient manner. For this purpose, the right customers are targeted and dues are effectively recovered from the market.
Fodder and feed supply: Sprihaat partners with low-income tribal farmers in the farms surrounding the associated dairy farms and provides an added earning opportunity for them by contracting them to grow fodder and feed crops for the dairy farm.
Due to the above business model, Sprihaat has been able to provide farm-fresh, unadulterated, highly nutritious milk and milk products to its customers, wipe out bad debts for the dairy farmers, increase total earnings of the dairy farmers, reduce fodder and feed costs by over 30%, and increase the income of subsistence farmers by over 30%.