eProd Solutions
eProd Solutions
Offering affordable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Supply Chain Management system for SMEs and member-based organizations in remote and underdeveloped areas.
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
Asia and Africa
The Impact Goal
eProd Solutions Limited joined BCtA in 2022 with a commitment to offer an affordable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Supply Chain Management system for SMEs and member-based organizations, particularly those in remote and underdeveloped areas.
With the aim of helping to build a sustainable sourcing relationship with large numbers of suppliers in the agriculture sector, their supply chain management platform strengthens agricultural supply chains and allows user companies to implement a sustainable and inclusive approach while working with farmers in rural Africa, South America, and Asia.
The Market Gap
The eProd system was initially founded by Jan Willem and Almut van Casteren while they were managing thousands of farmers to produce for the export market. Out of frustration and due to lack of available systems, the couple developed a platform for their own internal use. It was only after several years when the couple came to realize that a thousand other agribusinesses out there might need a similar system to manage their “out-growers” and develop market access for the farmers as well as sustainable supply chains.
It was then that eProd became an independent company and is now used by over 200 agribusinesses to manage 30 sectors and almost 500,000 farmers.
The Business Solution
eProd offers an affordable Supply Chain Management ERP for the agricultural sector. The key clients are aggregators of agricultural commodities, food processors and cooperatives mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa. The software assists companies to manage a sustainable supply chain, providing safe food to its clients through controlled production environment.
eProd furthermore enables companies to provide farmers with access to finance, manage carbon monitoring programmes, link with input programmes. Climate Smart Agriculture plays an important component. The link to weather forecast and automated production advise for example is important during the production cycle for the farmers to improve the farming practices.
Photo: Facebook/eProd Solutions
About eProd Solutions:
· LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eprod-solutions-limited/posts/?feedView=all
· Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eProdSolutions/
· Twitter: https://twitter.com/eProdSolutions
· Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eprodsolutions/