Colombian health innovator Bive joins Business Call to Action by providing low-income families with access to timely, high-quality and affordable healthcare.
Latin America & Caribbean
Colombia-based social enterprise Bive Foundation joined Business Call to Action (BCtA) in May 2017 with a pledge to provide more than 27,000 low-income clients with access to timely, high-quality and low-cost healthcare services. To achieve this, the company will scale up its inclusive health model to three new regions across Colombia by 2020.
Social Problem
Although 95 percent of Colombians are covered by government medical insurance, the reality is most do not receive adequate health care. Long waiting periods, having to travel to urban areas for treatment and confusing bureaucratic procedures deter many from seeking medical care when they need it, especially for low-income and rural populations who cannot afford the extra costs incurred by travel. This can result a worsening of illness and diseases, an inability to work, and in the worst cases, preventable death.
Through Bive Foundation, low-income families in Colombia access high-quality, private healthcare services by connecting them to its network of healthcare services (specialists, diagnosis services, oral health services, etc.), who provide preferential times and prices. Users can access Bive®’s services through a low-cost annual membership that can either paid directly by through associations, employee funds, or coffee cooperatives.
About us
Bive, is a social business that facilitates access to quick, high quality and affordable healthcare services for low income Colombian families. Our programs have allowed for 21.000 people – 90 percent of them from rural communities- to access private healthcare services through a low cost membership, which is faster and higher quality than regular health services, at a price which they can afford, with a saving of up to 50 percent on the normal price.
Healthcare Network
To provide all these services, Bive Foundation has integrated a network of private services of health composed of more than 220 private providers of high quality services in 2 Departments in Colombia (Caldas and Risaralda). Additionally, they operate the Appointment Request Service (internal Call center for scheduling services) and the Social Orientation Service, which accompanies and advises the user in the resolution of problems of access to health services through the traditional health system and their EPS, continuity of highly complex treatments and connection with institutions in the area seeking to cover their needs in an integral manner. By end of 2018, Bive will provide better access to timely, high quality and low cost healthcare services to more than 27,000 low-income clients, of which 80 percent are new clients.
Social Projects
Furthermore, to expand their social impact in the health sector in Colombia, Since 2015, Bive® Foundation, in partnership with coffee grower cooperatives and international organizations as Pfizer Foundation, LGT Venture Philanthropy and others, have also developed health and social programs to improve the long-term health of the rural farming zones in which they operate; helping them to access diagnosis and treatment for previously identified health risk factors, including: “Sonrisas Saludables” (Healthy Smiles), which facilitates access to basic dental care for 1.252 children and specialized dental care for 347 children and from base of the pyramid; Sonrisas Cafeteras (Coffee Smiles), which has provided 900 coffee growers with oral health rehabilitation, prophylaxis and education; Vision Cafetera (Coffee Vision), which detects and treats preventable blindness causes such as cataract and glaucoma has resulted in the restoration of vision for 2.232 coffee growers, the delivery of 1.755 pairs of glasses and 201 corrective surgeries so rural farmers can continue to generate income for their families.
Bive Foundation, is currently scaling their social projects to include the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, cervical cancer, cardiovascular risk, prostate cancer, and sexual and reproductive health education. As well, Bive projects to scale up the Bive membership model to 2 new Colombian departments by 2019 through partnership with rural cooperatives. By 2020, Bive will scale the model to three new regions (Risaralda, Quindío and Antioquia) in Colombia to provide better access to healthcare.
Network Healthcare Impact
Bive’s impact also extends to doctors, who also suffer due to inefficiencies in the public health care system: their income is 75 percent less than doctors in the private market, and they often wait for months to receive payments, forcing many to operate outside the public health system. Bive creates a pipeline of thousands of potential clients, 90 percent of whom are from low-income communities, and ensures immediate payment for their services, as well as the opportunity to create a social impact.
Business Model
This inclusive business model offers user memberships at a rate significantly lower than that of private insurance plans. Bive is able to offer preferential pricing through leveraging partnerships with private doctors, while encouraging preventative treatment through their coverage of diagnostic and preventive services. If a member requires more serious treatment, Bive will help the patient navigate the treatment in the public health system. Additionally, to assist clients with obtaining timely treatment, Bive provides information on how to get the most out of the public system, including legal advice.
Organizational Goals and Partnership with Business Call to Action
With the support of Business Call to Action, Bive is able to continue our mission of delivering high quality, low cost healthcare to vulnerable populations in Colombia. Inclusion in BCTAs network allows Bive visibility and high leverage networking opportunities. For example, through BCTA, Bive established a partnership with Sanofi, a French pharmaceutical company in the area of cardiovascular health for rural population in Colombia and a health education program in diabetes. We look forward to continuing our partnership and sustaining our social impact of improving health outcomes. Our primary goals going forward with the support of BCTA are as follows:
By end of 2018, Bive will provide better access to timely, high quality and low cost healthcare services to more than 27,000 low-income clients, of which 80% are new clients.
By 2020, Bive will scale the model to three new regions (Risaralda, Quindío and Antioquia) in Colombia to provide better access to healthcare.