Abellon CleanEnergy
Abellon CleanEnergy
Promoting Sustainable Energy Access in Ghana.
Energy & Utilities
Abellon CleanEnergy will provide sustainable energy access to one million customers in Ghana by making significant investments in biomass production and power generation facilities. This Integrated Sustainable Bio Energy Model consists of three separate, though complementary projects. In Ghana there is an overall energy generation shortfall that presents limitations on further economic development in the country.
At the same time, many rural areas in Ghana do not have grid access and have generally poor energy coverage. To address these energy gaps, Abellon will build a Bio Power Plant that can produce up to 50 MW power from biomass sources by 2015 and a Solid Bio fuel Manufacturing Plant in Central Ghana and other Biomass Rich Zones.
To ensure a sustainable supply of biomass for the plants, Abellon will introduce an afforestation program on degraded land and forests to plant energy crops such as bamboo, palmarosa or sweet sorghum on a sustainable basis, while actively working with the government and the local communities. Abellon will also capitalize on by-products of agriculture-based economies such as crop and wood residues that are often left idle or burnt.
It is estimated that these projects will reduce CO2 emissions by up to 200,000 tons every year, doubling every year incrementally. The project will create employment opportunities for up to 25,000 Ghanaians in five years, by 2015. It is expected for 1,000,000 of people to gain access to energy as a result of the initiative.