Business Call to Action

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Upcoming Webinar: What Does it Take to Scale Inclusive Business Models in the Philippines?

The Business Call to Action (BCtA) and the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) will host a webinar discussing the question, What Does it Take to Scale Inclusive Business Models in the Philippines.

Moderated by Rapa Lopa, the Executive Director of the PBSP, the webinar will look at what the successful companies are doing right to ensure they are having a social impact but also that their inclusive business initiative is commercially viable and scalable. The panelists will explore the many implications for companies seeking to set up successful inclusive business ventures and address external and internal challenges that they encounter while doing so.


Simon Bakker, President and CEO, Kennemer Foods International
Willie Uy, President and CEO and Ricky Siton, Vice-President for Socialized Housing, PHINMA Property Holdings Corporation
Moderator: Rapa Lopa, Executive Director, Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP)


Some of the questions discussed during the webinar will include:

  • What progress are large companies making in inclusive business? Why do some initiatives appear to have stalled?

  • Why do companies need to ensure that their inclusive business initiatives are fully embedded in to their core business?

  • What are the implications of this commercial approach?

  • What are the challenges that need to be overcome for companies to be successful?