Business Call to Action

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Upcoming Webinar: Overcoming External Constraints to Scale in Inclusive Business

On 10 December 2015, the Business Call to Action (BCtA), the UN Global Compact and the Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business will host a webinar discussion on Overcoming External Constraints to Scale in Inclusive Business.

Markets that include poor people face multiple constraints that deter market entry and hinder growth, these may include limited market information, ineffective regulatory environments, inadequate infrastructure, missing local knowledge and skills, and restricted access to financial services among potential suppliers and customers. Incorporating and scaling inclusive business practices at the corporate level often involves tackling these barriers in order to grow and achieve greater impact and scale.

The webinar will discuss what external challenges companies face in developing, sustaining and scaling successful inclusive business models and what approaches they use to overcome the barriers leading to commercial success and development outcomes.

Moderated by Caroline Ashley and Tom Harrison of the Practitioner Hub on Inclusive Business, the webinar will feature feature a panel of experts consisting of the members of the Business Call to Action and the UN Global Compact. The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions and interact with the speakers.