Business Call to Action

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Upcoming event: Mobiles for health, Nairobi, Kenya (April 5)

"Mobiles for health" a forum co-hosted by the UNDP-based Business Call to Action (BCtA) and the DFID-funded, Private Sector Innovation Programme for Health (PSP4H) will be held on Tuesday, 5th April 2016 in Nairobi.

The forum will focus on business models being used by private sector firms in the health sector to provide healthcare services to base of the pyramid in Kenya by leveraging mobile technology platforms.

Attendance is expected from leaders from leading private sector health care companies as well as Government of Kenya officials, bilateral donors, civil society and the United Nations; and will offer an opportunity for delegates to discuss the various approaches that may be identified, adapted and implemented to enhance access to healthcare to low income populations in Kenya.

During the event, a UNDP-BCtA funded publication, "Advancing Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) Access to Health Care: A Case Study on Mobile Money Platforms" will be launched.

This event is by invitation only, if you are interested in attending, please contact Leslie Richer at