Business Call to Action

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Partnership for Inclusive Growth: Private sector investment in the SDGs

Today’s most intractable challenges are blurring lines across sectors, with a growing acknowledgement – not only in government – that problems are too complex to be tackled alone. This is reconfirmed by the Global Goal 17, which explicitly recognizes business as indispensable to “global partnership for sustainable development.” The business community is fully aware of the SDGs and the need for partnering. The recent UN Global Compact CEO survey indicates 85% of businesses see cross-sector coalitions and partnerships as essential to accelerating transformation towards the implementation of the SDGs.

In this context, “Partnerships for Inclusive Growth: Private sector investment in the SDGs” side event will be helod on the margins of the 72nd Regular Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

When: 3PM-6PM Friday 22 September
Where: New York
How: Invite-only

The event will underline the catalytic role of partnerships in advancing market-based opportunities for all, including through highlighting the contributions of UNDP’s global private sector unit - Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD), its partnerships and initiatives to SDG implementation.

The event will specifically showcase IICPSD’s multi-stakeholder initiatives on global, regional, and national levels, such as the G20 Global Platform on Inclusive Business (GPIB) in partnership with the World Bank Group and GIFIIP, which provide an enabling environment to help promote establishing new, innovative business models, policies, and partnerships as well as the global programs that are hosted at IICPSD, such as BCTA and the SDG Philanthropy Platform.


  • Nihat Zeybekçi, Minister of Economy of Turkey

  • Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator

  • Ajay Banga, CEO, Mastercard

  • Dr. Helene Gayle, CEO McKinsey Social Initiatives

  • Jennifer Crozier, VP for Corporate Citizenship and President of IBM International Foundation

  • Sayed Aqa, Vice President, Islamic Development Bank

  • Robert de Jong, Specialist Leader, Social Finance, Deloitte

  • Teresa Fogelberg, Deputy Chief Executive, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

  • Magdy Martínez-Solimán, UNDP Assistant Administrator and BPPS Director

Organizers:Istanbul International Center for Private Sector Development and the Government of Turkey

Istanbul International Center for Private Sector Development: IICPSD is one of UNDP’s six global policy centres of UNDP, and the BPPS global hub for policy and programme support, providing services to all Country Offices, global programs like the Climate Adaptation, and Regional Bureaus. Key thematic areas of the Center’s work include sustainable and inclusive businesses models and policies, private-sector-led skills development, the role of philanthropy in implementing the SDGs, the establishment and management of multi-stakeholder platforms, and impact investment and Islamic finance. 

Government of Turkey: The Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) was established on the basis of the Partnership Framework Agreement between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Turkey in March 2011. The Partnership Framework Agreement was ratified by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in 2012 and published in the official Gazette, making the IICPSD a legal global entity operating in Turkey.