Business Call to Action

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Empowering People Through Mobile Technology Webinar

WEBINAR | May 3, 2012 | 10:00 NY | 15:00 London | 16:00 Johannesburg | 19:30 New Delhi

Worldwide, mobile phone subscriptions have reached 5.9 billion, with 79 percent penetration in developing countries. Mobile phones are no longer used only to stay connected. Mobile phones allow low-income people to gain access to health information, agricultural data, banking services, employment and educational opportunities.

Register today to hear sector leaders speak about their experiences in tailoring mobile technologies to the specific needs of low-income people in developing countries.

The GSMA'’s Mobile Money for the Unbanked Programme, an initiative of one of the world leading industry associations providing mobile technology at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP), will discuss innovative products and partnerships aimed at addressing financial inclusion at the BoP using mobile technology.Ericsson,one of the leading telecommunications companies, and MicroEnsure, an insurance intermediary serving the BoP, will present their experiences in developing innovative business models using mobile technology.

Join the Business Call to Action,Business Fights Poverty and Business Action for Africa for a discussion on the up-to-date impacts and transformational potential of mobile technology.

Featured Speakers:
Seema Desai, Director and Claire Penicaud, Coordinator: Mobile Money for the Unbanked Programme (MMU), GSMA Development Fund
Karin Svingby, Director Projects & Partnerships, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility, Ericsson
Richard Leftley, President and Chief Executive Officer, MicroEnsure

Discussion moderated by Susan Chaffin, Programme Manager of the Business Call to Action.