Business Call to Action

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A CONVERSATION WITH TED LONDON: The Base of the Pyramid Promise: Building Businesses with Impact and Scale

The Business Call to Action (BCtA) and the Practitioner Hub on Inclusive Business are pleased host a webinar discussion with Ted London, Vice President and Senior Research Fellow for WDI'’s Scaling Impact Initiative and the author of The Base of the Pyramid Promise: Building Businesses with Impact and Scale.

Facilitated by Caroline Ashley, Editor of the Practitioner Hub, the discussion will feature an interactive Q&A with the audience, who will have an opportunity to chime in and interact with the speakers.


Drawing on over 25 years of experience across more than 80 countries, WDI Vice President-Scaling Impact Initiative, Ted London's latest book offers concrete guidelines for how to build better enterprises while simultaneously alleviating poverty. London provides aspiring market leaders and their stakeholders with the tools and techniques needed to succeed in the unique, opportunity-rich but challenging Base of the Pyramid (BoP).

As economic growth slows in the developed world, the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) represents perhaps the last great, untapped market. Of the world's 7 billion inhabitants, around 4 billion live in low-income markets in the developing world. These 4 billion people deserve and increasingly, are demanding better lives.

At the same time, the business community seeks new opportunities for growth, and the development community is striving to increase its impact. With these forces converging, the potential for mutual value creation is tremendous. This book provides a roadmap for realizing that potential, and addressing the distinctive challenges that doing business with this market holds.


  • Video: Ted London spoke to the Hub in 2014 about what direction inclusive business will take in the future.

  • Editor's Choice: Caroline Ashley reviews Ted Londo's previous paper A Roadmap for the Base of the Pyramid Domain.

  • For more information, practical resources and insights on inclusive business, join the Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business.